Empower every aspect of your life…

… when you use your birth chart as the map and the moon as the compass

Consciously create the life of your dreams…

… by working with the magic of the lunar cycles.

Moonology is the practice of tuning into the moon’s energy and the Law of Attraction.

The moon rules our emotions, moods and feelings, when we manifest successfully we do so via our feelings and heart.

Get started on your moon journey by downloading my free guide Manifesting With The Moon.

How can you continue to work with the moon's energy every day?

See what phase and sign the moon will be in each day, right on your Google Calendar.

Each event has keywords and helpful suggestions for how to work with the energy each day.

Journal prompts for the New and Full Moon, plus all the Void Off Course Moons are included.

Map out your life with the Moon

Unlock the secrets of your birth chart so that you can use it as a guide to set goals and intentions that work for you.

Learn how to use the Moon as a cosmic timer as each month different areas of your life are brought into focus.

Understand yourself better than ever and gain clarity for the next 12 months.

Everything is happening for you.

“The moon brings into focus what is important here and now. Sam helped me with aligned action and accountability by promoting a deep understanding of myself. It’s so bespoke”


Are you ready to go from feeling stuck, stressed and exhausted to being an aligned unstoppable badass?

Book a free chat to find out how I can help you gain clarity, work in flow and have the motivation to get stuff done