Imagine if you knew which days you would be most motivated to work and which days you should rest.

If you had a deeper understanding of yourself and a blueprint for your energy levels.

Do you want more?

Are you tired of constantly pushing forward even when you don’t want to?

Do you feel like some days are an uphill struggle while other days everything just falls into place?

Have you tried all the productivity hacks and found they don’t always work for you?

Is life just feeling a bit meh?

Hey, I’m Sam!! Let me tell you my story…

I first started studying astrology when I was a teenager and learned to draw birth charts by hand!! Of course, nowadays you can do that instantly on various websites and apps. It was when I hit a low point in life (isn’t that always the way), that I went back to astrology, discovered Yasmin Boland and became a certified Moonologer.

I have been on a path of self-discovery over the last 5 years and deep-dived into my own astrology. I’m a Scorpio Sun, so I love to hide in the background and be all mysterious, while my Sagittarius Rising is ready to go out on an adventure and learn allll the things!! I also have an Aquarius Moon so I’m all or nothing. I either love you and will do anything for you or you are dead to me.

My chart is all water and air, so I feel everything and overthink everything, while my lack of earth leaves me an unorganised mess. But that is the beauty of astrology, it helps you to understand your strengths and your weaknesses so that you can support yourself better while you navigate through everything else life wants to throw at you!!

I’ve gone from needing a fresh shiny new planner every month, to sticking to one for the year. The bottom of my wardrobe is my planner graveyard, I must have tried every one going thinking this planner would be the planner to help me get my life in order which of course, it never was. It wasn’t until I started buying undated planners and working with the moon’s cycle that things started to fall into place.

Working with the energy of the moon, and tracking her through my own birth chart to plan, has been an absolute game changer for me. This is why I’m so passionate about it and want to share my knowledge with everyone!! 

Working with the New Moon to set my intentions for the next 4 weeks, celebrating my progress and releasing blocks at the Full Moon, and reviewing my progress on the Quarter Moons is just the tip of the iceberg.

Working with the daily moon and understanding which area of my life I’m emotionally invested in, is how I get stuff done while making sure I’m also taking care of myself. And I want every woman to wake up feeling refreshed, energised and excited about her life!!

Astrology is an ancient craft that has been around for two and a half thousand years.

It is the study of the stars and maps the Sun, Moon and Planets as they move through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Moonology is the practice of working with the magic of the lunar cycles to consciously create the life of your dreams. By using the moon as a cosmic timer you can empower every aspect of your life. 

Your unique birth chart will be cast, to track the moon through your houses. They cover every area of your life and will show you which days to assign which tasks. 

Your Birth Moon will show when your energy levels are likely to be higher so you can get more stuff done in less time.

A lunar return is also cast to look at your month ahead.

As the moon moves through the houses in your chart, it will trigger each area and bring it into focus. 

The New Moon breathes new life, or the chance of a new beginning, in whichever house it is in. 

The Full Moon raises issues in the house it is in which will come to a conclusion very soon. 

The Daily Moon will focus your mind on the house it is in.

You can create, plan and predict your life by the sign and house the moon is in.

Moonology is a beautiful structure and framework to live by that allows you to align to the rhythms of nature and the flow of the universe.

When you work with the moon as it goes through the signs and your houses, your life will flow easier and everything will be more beautiful.

You will receive a Lunar Planning Report which details;

  • Information on your birth moon and the houses in your chart

  • Where your focus will be for the month

  • A breakdown of how to work with the New Moon

  • Details on what the Full Moon will bring

  • A calendar showing which house the moon will be in each day for you

  • Suggestions on how to work with the moon every day


  • I was feeling a bit ‘meh’ - life wasn’t really moving like I wanted it to and was feeling stressful as I was working two jobs and still struggling to make ends meet. Speaking to Sam, she helped me to realise that I needed to let go of my clinic room and move online (even though it seemed scary) as that what was right for me! I’ve felt so much more balanced in life since!


  • I had an amazing Moon Reading with Sam, it was a great opportunity to learn more about working with the moon and reflect on my natal chart through the lunar cycles. I could have spent all day talking with her, she has a real passion for moonology and so much knowledge to share!


  • Sam! The Google calendar is brilliant 🤩 so in-depth and helpful, I can’t believe you’ve put in all the timings and voids. Can’t wait to start planning my month out, this is going to be super helpful 🙏🏻


  • I’ve loved being able to open my calendar and see the moon’s movements when planning my week on Mondays. It was really helpful. And I love the prompts for full moon to go along with my tarot reading. Instead of creating a spread or using someone else’s spread, I simply used the prompts and it was really insightful


Imagine if you knew which days you would be most motivated to work and which days you should rest.

Is life just feeling a bit meh and you are unmotivated to do anything?

By using the moon as a cosmic timer you can empower every aspect of your life.

You can create, plan and predict your life by the sign and house the moon is in.

Life will flow easier and everything will be more beautiful.