Productivity and the Moon
In this week’s blog, we are going to discuss “productivity” and “rest”. By examining the Universal Law of Rhythm and the Moon’s cycles, I will explain how we can learn to work with our natural cycles to be more productive through rest. This is something that I teach in the Moon Productivity Pod.
What is productivity? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the state or quality of being productive”, and defines productive as “producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities”. So what does it mean to be productive? It basically means that you “do a lot” or are “able to create large amounts of something”.
As women, society expects us to “do a lot”. We should be able to keep a clean and tidy home, raise our children, work a full-time job, and keep our husbands happy. Once you factor in sleep that doesn’t leave much time for anything else. Women tend to be the default parent, the primary caregiver and the ones in charge of making sure that everything gets done.
There is a reason women experience overwhelm and burnout. They are always putting everyone else’s needs before their own. They wear their “busy” badge with honour. I don’t know about you, but some days just thinking about all the things I need to do leaves me sitting in my chair avoiding doing any of them!!
So how can we make sure that we are getting everything we need to do done and still have time for the things we want to do? I don’t believe that simply working harder, pushing through and just getting on with it works. I think that actually makes the problem worse. I believe that doing less is actually the way forward.
Let’s look at the Universal Law of Rhythm. There are 12 Universal Laws that are thought to be intrinsic and unchanging, dating back as far as the first century AD and Hermes Trismegistus. The Universal Law of Rhythm states that cycles are a natural part of the universe. If we look at nature, we can see the four seasons and how each one affects animals and plants differently. The Moon also has a cycle during which she waxes and wanes, going from being invisible in the sky to illuminating it with her fullness. The biggest mistake that people make is assuming that we will be one way all the time, and that just isn’t the case because we also have cycles. Women's cycles are the easiest to track, but men also have hormonal cycles.
When we learn to track and listen to these cycles, we can actually be more productive. I strongly believe if you are tired you should rest. And rest for me isn’t just going to bed earlier or sleeping in, rest isn’t about getting enough sleep. Rest is about recharging your batteries so that you can do all the things you need and want to do. Pushing through when you are tired just leads to more problems.
One of the things I love about working with the moon is that it naturally gives us those periods of rest. On a New Moon, we think about what we want, the positive changes we want to bring into our lives, and the things we want to grow and expand. Then as the moon grows during the waxing half of the cycle, we go after those goals. This is the productive, doing all the things period. When we get to the Full Moon we celebrate everything we have achieved. After the Full Moon, and during the waning half of the cycle, we are less productive, focusing more on reflection than doing. Then we get to the New Moon and start all over again!! It’s a very predictable cycle that can be used to plan within.
It takes the Moon 29 and a half days to complete one cycle, and during this time she will also spend 2 and a half days in each sign of the zodiac. One of the things I teach in the Moon Productivity Pod is how to track your energy levels with the moon’s cycle as she moves through the zodiac. This then allows you to predict which days you will naturally feel more productive and be able to get more stuff done, as well as those days when you will need to rest.
I hope that you have found this week’s blog helpful, and I would encourage you to rest when you need to and see how that actually improves your productivity!! One of my favourite forms of rest is actually to go for a run!! Being outside with the sun on my face and the wind in my hair really makes me feel alive and like I could do anything!!
If you would like to know more about the Moon Productivity Pod then book a free chat with me using the button below.