Introducing the Zodiac
Following on from my Introduction To Astrology post (which you can read here), I thought I would talk about the Zodiac this week.
Thousands of years ago, Babylonian astronomers wanted to create an agricultural calendar using the stars as a guide. They wanted to know the best time to plant and harvest crops based on the natural rising and setting of the constellations. Using their observations, they invented a mathematical construction in the sky which they then divided into 12 areas. Each area was given a name, a figure to represent it and a specific meaning. Each area was named after the constellation which was most prominent in it. This then became the zodiac.
Astrologers today study the movement of the planets through the zodiac and the influence that has on people and life. We can use astrology to not only make predictions about what might happen but to also understand ourselves better. While many people believe in astrology, there are some who don’t think that the movement of the planets has anything to do with our life on Earth. But it can still be fun to learn about the zodiac and horoscopes are still as popular as ever!!
Before we dive into the 12 signs of the zodiac, it is worth noting that each planet, including the Sun and Moon, represents something different. The Sun reveals our life purpose and can tell us a lot about who we really are, while the Moon represents our inner nature and what we need. When looking at each of the signs of the zodiac, it is also important to look at which planet is involved. I will be looking at the Sun through the signs, which is usually the first thing people learn about in astrology. And is often the only thing people know about themselves!!
The Sun in Aries (Represented by the Ram)
Aries is a fast-moving sign that races past anyone or anything that stands still or isn't paying attention. They burn bright and are full of confidence and energy.
The Sun in Taurus (Represented by the Bull)
Taurus is a slow and contented sign, wanting to feel as comfortable as they can. They are very indulgent and take life at a slower pace.
The Sun in Gemini (Represented by the Twins)
Gemini is smart and inquisitive, they are the thinkers and the talkers. They will explore all the options and are one of the most intellectual signs.
The Sun in Cancer (Represented by the Crab)
Cancer is very emotional and can be sentimental. Like the crab, they have a hard shell and a soft and vulnerable underbelly. They are strong, dynamic and self-starting.
The Sun in Leo (Represented by the Lion)
Leos love to be the centre of attention. They are ambitious and creative. The drama Kings and Queens, they love to turn heads and are very proud.
The Sun in Virgo (Represented by the Maiden)
Virgos are practical, down-to-earth, helpful and reasonable. They are sensible and serious but also creative and methodical. Sometimes they can be over-critical.
The Sun in Libra (Represented by the Scales)
Libra loves beauty and harmony, love and relationships. They want to get everything right, making sure things run smoothly. They tend to balance both sides of an argument before making a decision.
The Sun in Scorpio (Represented by the Scorpion)
Scorpio is deep and intense. They know things others are afraid to know and understand life’s mysteries.
The Sun in Sagittarius (Represented by the Archer)
Sagittarius has a huge capacity for seeing the bigger picture and having those big, deep and meaningful thoughts and conversations. They want to explore and broaden their understanding.
The Sun in Capricorn (Represented by the Goat)
Capricorns are ambitious and successful. They are disciplined and understand that quality takes time. They need order and aren’t afraid to ask for it.
The Sun in Aquarius (Represented by the Water Bearer)
Aquarians don’t care what other people think about them. They are pragmatic and unusual, inventors and honest. They are free because they refuse to be controlled.
The Sun in Pisces (Represented by the Fish)
Pisces loves art, film and literature. They are dreamy and can come across as either ungrounded or mystical.
This is just one part of your birth chart, there are 8 more planets and the moon which will all have an influence on your personality, your strengths and the things you find challenging.
I hope you have found this week's blog helpful, and I wonder if you see yourself in your sign?
If you would like to dive deeper, understand yourself better, and set your goals for the year, then book a Moon Reading with me using the button below. We will look at your birth moon, talk about your goals and then use your unique birth chart as the map, and the Moon as our compass, to plan out the next 12 months with clarity and flow.