Full Moon in Capricorn, Take Two

On Sunday (21st July) at 11.16 am (BST) we have the Buck Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn. This is the second Full Moon in Capricorn, falling at 29 degrees. While last month's Full Moon in Capricorn brought fresh and potent ambitious energy, this Full Moon should bring a level of maturity around any issues between home and work. 

This week’s blog will look at the energy around this Full Moon and how you can work with it. 

The Full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers every year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by. 

Full Moons mark the halfway point in a lunar cycle. This is a time to celebrate your progress and achievements, to practise forgiveness and to release anything still holding you back. If you look back to the New Moon in the same sign, 6 months ago, then you should have accomplished whatever you set out to do then. And if you haven't, then you should have a really good idea of why not. 

The New Moon in Capricorn was in January, what goals did you set then? What has stopped you from achieving them? Have you let fear hold you back? Full Moons are when we start to clear out the stuff we don’t need to create space for the things we do want.

Not all Full Moon’s are the same. They are flavoured by the zodiac sign that the Moon is in at the time and influenced by the other planets. A Full Moon is always in the opposite sign as the Sun, giving us a tug-of-war between the energy of the two signs.

Under this Full Moon, we need to find a balance between work life (Moon in Capricorn) and home life (Sun in Cancer).  

Let go of your expectations and allow the universe to surprise you with something better than you could have imagined. The influence of Uranus on this Full Moon will bring about exciting and unexpected conclusions.

Pay attention to any spiritually significant dreams or symbolic messages and enjoy the sense of connection and oneness with your heart open to universal love, thanks to Neptune harmonising with this Full Moon.

This Full Moon is clashing with Mars meaning that impulsivity is likely to cause problems. This is a reminder to slow down and not do something you shouldn’t do.

Pluto is right next to this Full Moon which may bring up dark emotions, deep rage, resentment and feelings of betrayal. Profound transformation is possible when Pluto is hanging around but it is unlikely to be appealing or come in an easy form.

Capricorn is one of the four cardinal signs, which mark the start of a new season when the Sun moves into them. These are the most goal-focused of the signs. They initiate change, have leadership qualities and have a vision and plan to get there. Capricorn has themes around discipline, achievement and success, making it an ideal Full Moon for stepping back and getting honest with yourself about why you haven’t achieved your goals. Have you been over-cautious, fearful or pessimistic? Where do you need to release self-doubt, over-ambition or distrust? 

As one of the three Earth element signs, Capricorn is practical, disciplined, hard-working, organised and industrious. This is the sign that loves to set and achieve goals, to come up with strategies and to leave their mark on the world.

When looking at what is holding you back that you need to release under the Capricorn Full Moon, we can use the themes and energy of this sign to help us. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get the most from this energy.

  1. Where am I not being practical?

  2. What is stopping me from being successful?

  3. What blocks do I have around abundance?

  4. What stops me from being organised?

  5. How can I be more disciplined?

  6. Where do I feel fearful or doubtful?

This Full Moon is a powerful time for overcoming obstacles that are stopping you from achieving your goals. When we think about balancing the Capricorn and Cancer energy, it’s about being able to adapt to the situation. Both of these signs desire security, Capricorn with accomplishments and external validation, and Cancer with our feelings, comfort and safety. Where do you need to be tough and where do you need to be tender?

I hope you have found this week’s blog helpful. If you would like to know where each New and Full Moon will fall in your chart to help you set and achieve your goals for the next 12 months, then book a Moon Reading using the button below. 


Mercury Retrograde - Survive and Thrive


New Moon in Cancer