The Moon Blog

Unlock the secrets of the Moon

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks to help guide and support you in becoming an aligned unstoppable badass.

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces

On Wednesday (18th September) at 3.34 am (BST) we have the Harvest Full Moon in emotional Pisces.

Sitting inside your comfort zone isn’t going to help you move forward. You don’t need to take a giant leap of faith, small steps will get you there. You just need to remove the shackles and open yourself up to the possibility of something amazing happening.

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Full Moon in Aquarius

On Monday (19th August) at 7.25 pm (BST) we have the Sturgeon Full Moon in visionary Aquarius.

Watch out for unexpected endings in friendships and conversations coming to a head. We can’t give from an empty cup, and if we have been putting everyone else's needs above our own then now is the time to change that.

This week’s blog looks at the energy around this Full Moon and how you can work with it.

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Full Moon in Scorpio

On Wednesday (24th April) at 0.48 am (BST) we have the Pink Full Moon in transformative Scorpio. This week’s blog looks at the energy around this Full Moon and how you can work with it.

This Full Moon is a powerful time for releasing any negative emotions, and Pluto’s influence will make sure you do, even if you don’t want to.

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Full Moon in Libra

On Monday (25th March) at 7.00 am (GMT) we have the Worm Full Moon Eclipse in balanced Libra. This week’s blog will look at the energy around this Full Moon and how you can work with it.

This Full Moon Eclipse is a powerful time for transformation. It’s time to clear the clutter from your life and create the space you need to focus on the things that you want to focus on. If you have been neglecting an area of your life, now is the time to give it some attention.

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Full Moon in Virgo

On Saturday (24th February) at 12.30 pm (GMT) we have the Snow Full Moon in practical Virgo. This week’s blog will look at the energy around this Full Moon and how you can work with it.

This Full Moon is about taking time to slow down and refocus on your goals. Allow your next steps to come to you, and then take action. Allow the things, people and conversations that you no longer need to fall away and focus on what is important to you.

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Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

This weekend we have the Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday at 9.23pm (BST). This Lunar Eclipse will be a Partial Eclipse and it will be visible in the UK, so we are very excited at my house!! On this week’s blog, I talk about the energies around this Full Moon and how you can work with them.

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Start your journey

Find out how the moon can help you organise your to-do list so that you can get more stuff done and have more time for the things that you love