On Tuesday (3rd September) at 2.55 am (BST) we have the New Moon in practical Virgo. The New Moon in Cancer was when we (hopefully) set our goals for the rest of the year, the Leo New Moon then followed to keep us excited about them, and now we have the Virgo New Moon to help us with a plan of action. This week’s blog will look at the energy around this New Moon and how you can work with it.

New Moons mark the start of a new lunar cycle. This is a time to set our intentions for the next 4 weeks, which will help us to achieve our goals. Generally, anything started under a New Moon should be completed by the Full Moon in the same sign. This gives us a 6-month container to work with. (The Full Moon in Virgo is on the 14th of March 2025) When making New Moon Wishes, you can go as big or as small as you like. If you make a big wish, you can break it down into smaller, manageable goals. This allows you to track your progress as we move through each lunar cycle. 

Not all New Moon’s are the same. They are flavoured by the zodiac sign that the Moon is in at the time and influenced by the other planets. A New Moon is always in the same sign as the Sun, giving us a double dose of the sign's energy to work with. This is why people work with this energy to set their goals. 

Virgo is one of the four mutable signs, which bridge the gap between the fixed signs and the cardinal signs, and the start of a new astrological season. These are the most resourceful and flexible signs which make them ideal for adjusting the plan and adapting to any changes. Virgo has themes around health, routines and improvement, making it the ideal New Moon to look at your day-to-day habits and routines, and how they support you and your health. 

As one of the three Earth element signs, Virgo is practical, organised, efficient, analytical and responsible. The earth signs are the most hard-working and patient. This can make Virgo over-critical and a workaholic. This is the sign of the zodiac that likes to dot the i’s and cross the t’s, everything in its place, but they also love to help others. This New Moon is a good time to start new healthy habits and self-improvement. Where can you help others and build your own self-confidence? What does success look like to you and how will you track your progress?

When setting your Virgo New Moon intentions, we can use the themes and energy of this sign to help us. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get the most from this energy.

  1. What are my intentions for the next lunar cycle?

  2. Where do I need to be more organised?

  3. How can I improve my finances?

  4. Where am I over-critical?

  5. Where do I need more confidence?

  6. Where do I need to be more practical?

There are also some practical ways to work with this New Moon. Make sure you are paying attention to the smaller details and separate your work and home life. Check on your personal finances and look at your diet and current exercise routines. What needs to change? And the most important thing to do is make time to relax!! Virgo season is also an ideal time to get outside more.

There is some powerful energy around this New Moon, thanks to a couple of big planets. We have Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, who are not only impacting this New Moon but talking to each other.

Jupiter is often called the lucky planet. It is the planet of faith, positivism, hope and morality. This is a planet of expansion and aspiration to our higher self. Gemini is the sign associated with communication, logical thought processes and the conscious mind. The energy tends to be light-hearted, fun, flirty and often flighty. With Jupiter moving through this sign we can expect changes to happen when we are curious, flexible and adaptable. Our inventiveness, imagination and powers of expression are all boosted. Just watch out for Gemini’s short attention span being in conflict with Jupiter's need to get lost in knowledge.

This New Moon has Jupiter squaring against it. Jupiter is an amplifier so it brings more. This could be more good things but because Jupiter is clashing with the New Moon, it could possibly be too much of the good things. The warning here is to be mindful of overindulging yourself. On the plus side, this is a New Moon to wish big, just make sure it is something that you can believe in. Nothing kills dreams and wishes as effectively as self-doubt.

Saturn is the planet of limitation and restriction, with themes that revolve around responsibility, structure, and life lessons. Pisces is compassionate, intuitive, and gentle, all traits that could soften Saturn's lessons and rigidity. This is a time for reviewing and changing our boundaries to make sure we are protecting ourselves while remaining open to changing situations and needs.

The positive influence of Saturn on this New Moon means it is a good time for changes to work situations. If you are looking for a new job or promotion, then this New Moon has your back. This will also be a good time to bring more structure and discipline into your life, things that also work well with the Virgo influence on this New Moon. 

While Jupiter represents the notion of broadening and expansion, Saturn suggests setting parameters and restrictions. With Jupiter and Saturn squaring each other, we have the opportunity for personal and professional growth, but with delayed rewards. We could be doubting ourselves a lot during this transition so it is important to breathe new life into existing plans rather than starting over. And New Moons are ideal for recommitting to plans and adding new life to them. Adjusting expectations and understanding that there is no shortcut will allow us to face any challenges Jupiter and Saturn decide to throw at us.

A realistic plan, with realistic expectations, is the way forward with this New Moon. Don’t give in to self-doubt or allow perfectionism to distract you from your path. Allow for some flexibility rather than stubbornly sticking to a course of action.  

I hope you have found this week’s blog helpful. If you would like to know where each New and Full Moon will fall in your chart to help you work on your goals for the next 12 months, then book a Moon Reading using the button below. 


Lunar Planning, Part One


Self-Care and the Zodiac