Self-Care and the Zodiac
Self-care is often misunderstood and neglected. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.” I am passionate about self-care, but I have also neglected it recently, so it seems like a fitting topic for this week's blog.
As a single mum, I used to view self-care as selfish. It was more important to me that my daughter’s needs were met. Once you have finished running around after a small child, making sure the house is clean, and that there are home-cooked meals and snacks available, you are pretty exhausted. And if that child also happens to be autistic, then looking after yourself isn’t even on the to-do list.
I also saw self-care as indulgent. Spa days, afternoon teas and new nails, all things that I didn’t have time or money for. If it was something for my daughter, I wouldn’t think twice about it, but spending money on me had to be essential. Like holes in my shoes essential.
It wasn’t until I decided that I actually had to do something about my general fitness that my attitude towards self-care changed. Investing in my first coach also helped to change my belief that self-care was selfish. It opened my eyes to the fact that if I looked after myself, that had a positive impact on my daughter.
When I stopped to look at my day, I realised that if I slept in until my daughter woke up, I was grumpy and snappy. But if I chose to get up early and spend 30 minutes on my own, I was in a much better mood. My self-care routines and habits have been varied, and they are unfortunately still the first thing to go when life gets challenging. Which is completely backwards because if I leaned into my self-care when life got hard, I would be better equipped to deal with it, rather than retreating into my little well of self-pity.
In astrology, the Sun represents our personal identity. It shows us where we need to be independent, and how we can stand out from the crowd. This is our ego and conscious self. The Moon represents our subconscious and emotions. This is how we feel safe and secure, our feelings and intuition. We can look at the zodiac sign that both of these are in to understand what form of self-care is best for us.
The Moon spends two and a half days in each zodiac sign, and as she rules our emotions, we can use the daily moon to decide what self-care activity to do each day. Working with the moon in this way maximises the impact of anything that you do.
Below you will find self-care tips broken down by sign that you can use with the daily moon, or with your Star Sign.
The first sign of the zodiac has a very driven and determined energy. This is the sign of getting things done, the sign that is always on the go. Taking a five-minute time out to catch your breath is a great way to look after yourself. This can be as simple as taking 5 deep breaths while waiting for the kettle to boil, or a five-minute meditation.
As Aries is a physical energy, doing a cardio or weight lifting workout is a good way to burn off some of that excess energy. As the fearless and brave leaders of the zodiac, daily
affirmations can help with confidence.
The second sign of the zodiac has a very different energy. It is steady, grounded and sensual. This is the sign that seeks to be as comfortable as possible and loves nature. Going for a walk outside or doing some gardening are great ways to connect with nature and yourself.
As Taurus is a sensual sign, getting a massage is a good form of self-care. Cooking your favourite comfort food or relaxing in your favourite chair will make you feel good.
The third sign of the zodiac is another busy energy, this time it is a mental busy. The energy is alert, curious and expressive. Meditation can help to calm your mind and allow you to organise your thoughts better.
As the sign associated with communication, reading and journaling are great ways to work with this energy. This is also a very social and fun-loving sign, so getting together with friends and doing more of the things you enjoy also work well.
The fourth sign of the zodiac has a very nurturing, compassionate and feeding energy. This is the sign of home and family. Looking at old photographs and sharing memories with family is a great way to make yourself feel good.
A family meal or BBQ is another great way to tap into this energy. Cancer loves food and loves to share it. Spending time at home and even cleaning are good forms of self-care with this energy.
The fifth sign of the zodiac is a show-stopper. They are loyal, warm and creative. Any sort of beauty ritual to make yourself look and feel good works well for self-care. Dancing and getting creative, whether that is baking, drawing or crafting something, is a wonderful way to work with this energy.
This is another sign that loves to have fun and play games. Spending time with children can help us to reconnect with that side of ourselves. Play your favourite games, try a new one and laugh until your belly hurts.
The sixth sign of the zodiac has a practical energy. This is a health-conscious sign that is all about serving other people. Healthy meals and exercise are the best forms of self-care here.
Having a good clearout and clean can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating right, drinking plenty of water and moving your body in a way that feels good to you. Doing something nice for someone else can also give us a mood boost. Self-care is all about making sure we feel good, inside and out.
The seventh sign of the zodiac is the sign of beauty, elegance and grace. Most well known for being the sign of balance, justice and relationships. Going for a walk outside to appreciate the beauty around you can really lift your mood. As can taking a moment to feel grateful for all that you have.
Getting a makeover, your hair or nails done can make you feel beautiful on the outside. Bringing more beauty into your life through fresh flowers or a painting is also a good way to work with this energy. Spending time with friends and listening to music also works well.
The eighth sign of the zodiac is surrounded in mystery. This is a very healing and transformative energy. Aromatherapy or going for a swim works well for Scorpios. As does journaling about your fears or doing something you love.
Making sure you have a safe space to feel and process your emotions is important. This could be as extravagant as a meditation room, as simple as your favourite tree to sit under, and anything in between.
The ninth sign of the zodiac is a very cheerful and optimistic sign. It’s the sign of adventure and broadening your horizons. Taking the time to learn something new, or trying a world cuisine, will tame that restless energy. Dancing, getting outside and exploring are great ways to work with the energy.
This is also the sign of higher learning, developing new skills and self-improvement. Reading personal development books, listening to motivational podcasts and enrolling on an interesting course works well.
The tenth sign of the zodiac has a serious and determined energy. Capricorn is the sign that knows where it is going and the hard work that it will take to get there. It also thinks it can do all of the things all of the time so having a day off can work wonders. Sleep in, do some low-impact exercise like yoga or pilates. Anything that allows you to rest.
As a very methodical energy, anything that gets you thinking, like puzzles or jigsaws, is a great way to work with the energy. Starting with the smallest and easiest task on your to-do list can also give your mood a boost.
The eleventh sign of the zodiac is the quirky rebel. The energy is progressive and forward-thinking. Getting some fresh air, and drinking pure water or green tea can be very soothing for Aquarius.
This is also a very sociable sign, it’s all about communities. Helping out, and getting together with friends, are great ways to work with this energy. Joining a club with people who share an interest or hobby is also great.
The last sign of the zodiac likes to emerge themselves and escape. The energy is dreamy and romantic. Having an early night with a bedtime ritual, sound baths and reflexology are great tools for this sign.
Reading your favourite book or getting lost in a Netflix marathon are great ways to lose yourself and tap into this energy.
I hope you have found this week's blog helpful and interesting. If you would like more self-care tips for the daily moon, then sign up for my free weekly Moon Energy Email using the button below.