In the early hours of Friday morning (15th September at 2.39am), we have the New Moon in Virgo. This week on the blog I’m looking at what a New Moon is and how to work with the energy of this particular one.

A New Moon starts a new 29-day lunar cycle. This is when the Moon isn’t visible in the sky because her position in the sky is between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon doesn’t have her own light source, instead, she just reflects the light from the Sun. It is because the Moon orbits the Earth, while the Earth orbits the Sun, that different parts of the Moon are visible throughout the 29-day cycle.

The New Moon is a time for new beginnings, to start new adventures, to breathe new life into the areas of your life that are stagnated and to recommit to your dreams and wishes. This is when we plant the seeds of the life we want to create, and we start the things that we wish to grow in our life.

Each New Moon is different as the energy is flavoured by the zodiac sign she is in, and also because of any conversations she is having with the other planets. As the Moon travels through each sign of the zodiac, she takes on their traits. On a New Moon, we can look at the more desirable qualities of that sign and set the intention to bring more of that into our lives.

This New Moon will be in Virgo, so what do we need to know? Virgo is a Mutable sign, so is more adaptable and flexible than the fixed and stubborn signs. The Cardinal signs mark the start of the seasons and are goal-focused. The Fixed signs keep in place those things started by the Cardinal signs, and the Mutable signs allow for adjustment as we grow and bridge the gap to the next season. As a Mutable sign, Virgo can be a people pleaser, they love to be of service to others and help whenever they can. 

Virgo is also an Earth sign, so more grounded and practical than some of the other signs. Virgo loves structure and routines. They are perhaps the most organised sign, with everything having its place. This can lead to them being over-critical and a perfectionist. Earth signs are more in touch with nature and their bodies, Virgo being a very health-conscious sign.

With that in mind, here are some practical ways to work with this New Moon;

  • Look at the small details - how do all the pieces fit together? What are the small things you can do that will build into that bigger-picture vision you hold?

  • Make time to relax - overworking and stress can lead to bad health. Can you make time once a week to relax?

  • Look at your diet and exercise - what has this looked like over the Summer? Where does it need to change?

  • Separate work and home - this is especially important if you work from home. Setting firm boundaries between work and home will help.

  • Look at your personal finances - with Christmas coming up, this is a good time to look at and adjust your budget so you don’t have the stress of money come December.

  • Get outside more - humans love to be outside, it’s good for us. How can you get outside more as we come to the end of Summer?

The other thing to note about this New Moon is the party going on between the Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto, all in Earth signs. This will be an optimistic New Moon where we can move away from worrying about other people's opinions of us and freely express our thoughts. With Neptune watching the party from across the Street, watch out for setting unrealistic expectations of yourself and others. Don’t forget that Mercury Retrograde will end on Friday evening, taking away some of the confusion and hopefully leaving us all feeling clearer on what we want and how to get there.

Here are some intention-setting questions you can ask yourself to work with the energy of this New Moon;

  1. What are my intentions for the next lunar cycle?

  2. Where do I need to be more organised?

  3. How can I improve my finances?

  4. Where am I over-critical?

  5. Where do I need more confidence?

  6. Where do I need to be more practical?

I hope you have found this week’s blog helpful.

If you would like some guidance on setting New Moon Wishes and Intentions, then download my free guide to Manifesting With The Moon using the button below. 


Working With Virgo


The Fools Journey Part 4