The Phases Of The Moon

Today’s blog post is going to run through the 8 main phases of the moon and how you can work with the energy to set achievable goals and make lasting changes in your life.

The 8 main phases are;

  • New Moon

  • Waxing Crescent Moon

  • First Quarter Moon

  • Gibbous Moon

  • Full Moon

  • Disseminating Moon

  • Third Quarter Moon

  • Balsamic Moon

It takes around 29 1/2 days for the moon to go through all 8 phases and complete one cycle, and each phase is around 3 1/2 days long.

New Moon

A New Moon is the start of a new lunar cycle. The moon isn’t visible in the sky because she is on the same side of the earth as the Sun and therefore covered in shadow. This is when we set our intentions or goals for the next four weeks. This is the start of the Waxing Half of the Cycle. As the moon grows in the sky (waxes) we ADD in things to our life. If your intention is to be healthier, then you would ADD in a healthy meal plan, a new fitness program or a bedtime routine so that you get enough sleep.

Waxing Crescent Moon

As the moon starts to grow we see a sliver in the sky. This is the Waxing Crescent Phase and as the moon grows we start to take action on our New Moon Intentions. One step that you can take that will lay the foundations for you to build on during this cycle. This could be meal planning and prep, scheduling your workouts/runs/gym sessions into your calendar or setting a time to go to bed.

First Quarter Moon

This is the halfway point between the New and Full Moon and when the moon looks like a half-moon in the sky. This is when we assess how we are doing. Have you taken action or have you just talked about it? Having doubts at this point is normal, making changes, even small ones, can be scary and so there will be resistance. The best way to get over this fear is to just DO something.

Gibbous Moon

As the moon starts to swell in the sky our emotions start to come to the surface. The energy is building and this is the time for momentum and to keep excitement around your New Moon Intentions high. This is when we KEEP GOING!! Stick to that meal plan even though you really fancy pizza, get that workout done even though you don’t want to, or get yourself to bed on time even though you aren’t tired.

Full Moon

The Full Moon is when the moon is at her fullest and brightest, reflecting the Sun’s light on us and illuminating our deepest and darkest parts. Full Moons are a celebration of everything you have achieved over the last two weeks, you have worked hard, give yourself a pat on the back!! The Full Moon also marks the start of the Waning Half of the Cycle. The moon will appear to shrink in the sky as she becomes slowly covered in shadow. This is when we REMOVE things we no longer need.

Disseminating Moon

This is like the hangover part of the cycle. As the energy and our emotions start to die down we can be left with that feeling of “now what?” And if things didn’t as you had hoped then it can be easy to get disheartened and start feeling sorry for yourself. This is a time for reflection, not beating yourself up. What did you struggle with? What do you need to remove? Now could be the time to cut back on the snacks or sugary drinks, did you over-commit to your exercise plan and need to reduce it, or are you getting in bed and scrolling social media for 3 hours?

Third Quarter Moon

The halfway point between the Full and New Moon is the crossroads of the cycle. Look at where you were, how far have you come? What helped you to get where you are now? What lessons have you learned? What are the things that worked that you want to continue doing? What are the things that didn’t work that you want to stop doing? This isn’t an exercise in beating yourself up, it’s time to decide what you want to take with you and what you want to leave behind.

Balsamic Moon

Balsamic means healing or soothing. As the last part of the lunar cycle, it’s time to rest and heal before we start again on the next New Moon. What are the things that you no longer need that you are still holding onto? Are you still excited about your New Moon Intentions? Are you ready to work on them again? Or have you changed your mind?

This is just a brief overview of the 8 phases of the moon and the waxing and waning parts of the cycle.

If you want to know more and have the support, guidance and accountability to create clarity, flow and motivation in your life then book a free chat using the button below.

I hope you found today’s blog post helpful!!


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