Time Off

I have moved my blog, again!! Maybe I will find the time to copy and paste all my old blog posts across, but let’s be honest, unless I’m bored that not very likely!! It just seems like too much hard work as I would have to move them a blog at a time 🙈

I have also had nearly a month away from social media and blogging. It wasn’t entirely intentional!! I had planned to work until my daughter finished school for the Christmas holidays, but she had other ideas!! She had a week off school because she was ill which meant her last week at school became my Christmas prep panic week!! I realised I had nothing ready for Christmas and my house was a mess!! So there was cleaning, planning, moving stuff around, present buying and wrapping and having to stay home waiting for amazon to deliver parcels!! Not how I wanted my Christmas prep to go!! And to ease some of the (self-imposed) pressure, I took a social media break.

Then came the Christmas holidays!! The first week was spent watching more Christmas movies, wrapping presents, visiting my brother, putting the tree up, baking and food shopping. Then we had Christmas and that period before the New Year when no one knows what day it is and it’s acceptable to eat cake for breakfast!!

There has been so much food!! We had our Yule 3-course feast, Christmas Eve Chinese takeaway, Christmas Day party buffet followed by pizza for tea, Boxing Day Christmas Dinner and so much cake and gingerbread cookies!! I have definitely overindulged over the festive season!!

In the last couple of days, we have watched more TV, done jigsaw puzzles and I moved my website (again). I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets excited and motivated by new things? And loses momentum and enthusiasm later on!! 😂

Anyway, I just wanted to write this today to update you on what has been going on. Now I used to post every Wednesday, it was a self-imposed restriction that I started with the belief that having a fixed schedule would help me to stick to it. This year, I intend to be more in my feminine energy (don’t worry there will be a blog post about that coming!!) and so my posting is going to be more spontaneous. If I feel like writing a blog post, then I will, rather than waiting until the designated time to do so and losing the awesome idea that I had!!

And while my blog will still be mostly focused on the moon, it’s all about the energy and the magic, so there will be plenty of that included and a sprinkle of tarot too!!

As we start 2023 with both Mars and Mercury in retrograde, I just wanted to encourage you to slow down. There will be a lot of “New Year, new me” going around, a lot of pressure to make BIG changes and while I fully support the concept of “if you’ve always done the same things you will always get the same results” and the resulting need to do things differently, small sustainable changes work a lot better then big bold actions. Everything has its time and place.

So if you are planning on getting fit this year, such a common intention to set and I myself have this as a 2023 goal, don’t decide that you are going to go to the gym for 3 hours every day, especially if you have never been!! While you might be all excited and motivated to go now, how long is that going to last? Personally, I’m committing to a healthy meal plan, with my daughter helping me with my meal prep and keeping on course, and running twice a week. This will be my foundation that I can then build on later.

Set yourself up for success in 2023. Break those big goals down into small manageable steps. Do one thing every day that your future self will thank you for. And if you want support and guidance along the way then book a free 30-minute call with me to find out how organising your to-do list with the moon will give you the clarity, flow and motivation to reach your goals.


The Phases Of The Moon