On Monday the 13th of January at 10.26 pm (GMT) we have the first Full Moon of 2025 in protective Cancer. It’s time to listen to your feelings and protect your space. Are you letting people pleasing stop you from going after what you want? Where do you need to set better boundaries this year?

This week’s blog will look at the energy around this Full Moon, how you can work with it, and where it will fall in your chart.

January’s Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Wolf Moon because the wolves could be heard howling at this time of year. It was thought they did so out of hunger. Now we know that wolves howl for several reasons, to hunt, to find pack members, to establish social bonds and to mark territory. Other names for January’s Full Moon reflect the chilly temperatures at this time of year, such as Cold Moon, Freeze Up Moon, Frost Exploding Moon and Hard Moon. It was also known as the Center Moon because it was in the middle of the cold season. 

Full Moons mark the halfway point in a lunar cycle. This is a time to celebrate your progress and achievements, to practise forgiveness and to release anything still holding you back. If you look back to the New Moon in the same sign, 6 months ago, then you should have accomplished whatever you set out to do then. And if you haven't, then you should have a really good idea of why not. 

The New Moon in Cancer was in July, what goals did you set then? What has stopped you from achieving them? Have you said yes to everyone else and not taken the time for yourself? If we want to achieve our goals then we need to make sure we are setting time aside to work on them. Full Moons are when we start to clear out the stuff we don’t need to create space for the things that we do want.

Not all Full Moon’s are the same. They are flavoured by the zodiac sign that the Moon is in at the time and influenced by the other planets. A Full Moon is always in the opposite sign as the Sun, giving us a tug-of-war between the energy of the two signs.

Under this Full Moon, we need to find a balance between quality time at home (Moon in Cancer) and your need to achieve (Sun in Capricorn). That elusive work-life balance.

A lot is going on at this Full Moon. With Pluto, the planet of renewal, rebirth and deep transformation, over in Aquarius, we could find that dark emotions, deep rage, resentment, or feelings of betrayal might surface. Both the Full Moon and Pluto can bring our deepest and darkest selves into the light, forcing us to transform them and allowing us to grow.

If you are experiencing emotions like this, then turn to Mars, the planet of drive and determination, which is currently in retrograde in nurturing Cancer, asking us to find healthy outlets for our frustrations. As Mars is also nice and close to this Full Moon, we can expect to turn a corner on a big project. This is a time to be bold and maybe even more adventurous in bed.

I always say that Full Moons are a time to celebrate your progress, and this Full Moon we have Saturn, the planet of Karma, lessons and structure, saying the same thing. The message here is to look back at how far you have come and give yourself a well-earned pat on the back. And don’t forget to celebrate other people too.

We also have Uranus, the planet of freedom and originality, currently retrograde in Taurus where it is asking us to redefine our relationship with money, bringing something to an exciting but unexpected conclusion. This will be a Full Moon for happy endings.

Finally, we have Neptune, the planet of inspiration and dreams, in gentle Pisces asking us to pay attention to any spiritually significant dreams or symbolic messages. We can enjoy a sense of connection and oneness when we open our hearts to universal love.

Cancer is one of the four cardinal signs, which mark the start of a new season. These are the most goal-focused signs, with great vision. They are the signs that make things happen. They are entrepreneurial, enterprising, independent and creative. Cancer has themes around the home, protection and security, making it an ideal Full Moon for looking at your roots, where you come from and where you feel like you belong. What makes you feel safe and secure?   

As one of the three Water element signs, Cancer is emotional, intuitive and compassionate. This is the sign of home and family, represented by the Crab, the soft underbelly protected by the hard shell. Listen to your feelings under this Full Moon, what are they trying to tell you? Where do you feel insecure? Where do you not feel seen or heard?

When looking at what is holding you back that you need to release under the Cancer Full Moon, we can use the themes and energy of this sign to help us. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get the most from this energy.

  1. What is stopping me from putting myself first?

  2. Where do I not feel confident?

  3. Where am I insecure?

  4. What are my feelings trying to tell me?

  5. What do I need to heal?

  6. What family trauma do I need to heal?

Take some time under this Full Moon to really connect with yourself and listen to your intuition. What is your gut telling you? If something feels off, then chances are, it’s a situation you need to get out of. Listen to yourself. Trust yourself. Look after yourself.

To find out where you might be out of balance this Full Moon, find your Rising Sign below. If you don’t know your Rising Sign you can find it here. And if you don't know your time of birth then you can just use your Sun Sign. I’ve also included where you might need some forgiveness and what you may need to release.

Aries Rising 

Find a balance between your personal life and your career

Forgive your family

Release any issues about your personal life, home or family

Taurus Rising 

Find a balance between your own home and the big wide world

Forgive your neighbours and siblings

Release any disputes between neighbours and siblings

Gemini Rising 

Find a balance between give and take

Forgive yourself for any time money was an issue

Release any issues you have about money

Cancer Rising

Find a balance between your needs and the needs of those most important to you

Forgive yourself

Release any issues you have around your appearance

Leo Rising

Find a balance between what you show to others and what you keep secret

Forgive yourself for anything you feel ashamed of

Release anything you don’t like to talk about

Virgo Rising 

Find a balance between what you need and what you need to give to your friends

Forgive any friend who has hurt you

Release any issues around what you have been wishing for

Libra Rising 

Find a balance between who you are on the inside and how you show yourself to the world

Forgive anyone who has wronged you professionally

Release any issues you have about your workload and how it affects your home life

Scorpio Rising 

Find a balance between your thoughts and your faith

Forgive narrow-minded people

Release any thoughts about the grass is greener

Sagittarius Rising 

Find a balance between your self-worth and how others treat you

Forgive anyone who has hurt you

Release anything that is holding you back

Capricorn Rising

Find a balance between thinking of yourself and thinking of others

Forgive any past relationship mistakes

Release any issues you have around love and relationships

Aquarius Rising 

Find a balance between your daily grind and the cosmos

Forgive the people who annoy you in small ways

Release any issues around habits you need to break

Pisces Rising 

Find a balance between how much you give to others and yourself

Forgive anyone who drags you down

Release any issues you have around giving yourself time off

I hope you have found this week’s blog helpful. If you would like to know how each New and Full Moon will personally affect you, then book a Moon Reading using the button below. We will go through your chart, and discover your strengths and any challenges, leaving you with a deeper understanding of yourself and a 12-month plan to work with the Moon.


The Moon and You


Goal Setting With The Moon