The 12 Universal Laws
Last week I talked about how the Law of Attraction is a part of Moonology and also introduced the other 11 Universal Laws. This week I want to dive a bit deeper into the 12 Universal Laws before returning to the Law of Attraction in more detail next week.
The 12 Universal Laws are;
The Law of Divine Oneness
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Correspondence
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Inspired Action
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Compensation
The Law of Relativity
The Law of Polarity
The Law of Rhythm
The Law of Gender
The Law of Divine Oneness is the foundational law that states that everything is connected. Everything we think, say and do has an effect on not only ourselves but those around us and in fact the world and Universe. We are all connected, we are all a piece of the universe, so everything we do has an effect on everyone else. The other 11 Laws build on this connection.
The Law of Vibration says that everything is in motion, everything is energy and everything vibrates at its own frequency. Your personal vibration will inform your lived experiences in that the frequency you are at is reflected in the events around you.
The Law of Correspondence states that patterns repeat throughout the universe and with your personal energy. Everything that happens in your outside world is a reflection of your inner world and visa versa. They will always mirror each other and whatever is going on inside you will be reflected back to you in your outside world.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. This is the most well-known and talked about law and is the law used for manifestation. We already know from the Law of Vibration that everything is energy and vibrates at its own frequency, and when used with the Law of Attraction, we need to match the frequency of the thing we desire. This also goes back to the Law of Correspondence where everything in our inside world is reflected back in our outside world.
The Law of Inspired Action means taking real actionable steps to invite what you want into your life. Often this comes from your intuition, your inner knowing, and it isn’t always a plan of action. Sometimes it’s just the first step. Inspired Action is about taking the time to find quiet and stillness in your life, and to listen to the gentle nudges within. Letting go of your need to control everything and opening yourself up to endless possibilities.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that everything is constantly evolving and fluctuating at an energetic level. This means that energy is never stagnated, it is vibrating and that vibration is always changing. This means we can change our vibrational state, aiming to match the vibrational state of the thing we desire so that we can attract it.
The Law of Cause and Effect highlights the connection between your actions and events around you. Every action that you take causes something to happen. Sometimes we see the event (the effect) straight away, and sometimes it takes a while for us to see the results of our actions. This is essentially the law of Karma, whatever you put out you get back. So our vibrational state is not only mirrored to us internally but is reflected back to us externally.
The Law of Compensation states that your efforts will always come back to you positively. This Law relates closely to the Laws of Attraction and Correspondence. If you are doing good things, helping people and putting good vibes out into the universe, then good things will come back to you.
The Law of Relativity states that everything is neutral. It is ourselves that give things meaning based on our perception and perspective. This means that we are in charge of the energy and emotion that we give things, and this is often done through comparison with others.
The Law of Polarity states that everything in life has an opposite. One can not exist without the other. We have love and hate, dark and light, warm and cold, good and evil. To understand this law is to realise that both things are different sides of the same coin.
The Law of Rhythm states that everything has a rhythm or cycle. This works with the Law of Vibration in that everything is constantly in motion. In nature we have seasons, we have night and day, the phases of the moon. Our bodies also have their own cycles, particularly hormone cycles. This means that everyone has their own rhythm and cycle. We can’t expect to feel exactly the same every day, eat the same or sleep the same or move the same. Every day is different. You can listen to and honour your own cycle. Rest when you need to and work when you can.
The Law of Gender states that everything has both masculine and feminine energy and finding the balance within yourself will allow you to feel aligned and joyful and inflow with life. And that balance doesn’t have to be 50/50, it is whatever balance works for you. The masculine energy is the “doing” energy. It’s the go, go, go. This is when we work hard to get things done and zoom through our to-do list. The feminine energy is the “be” energy. This is when we go with the flow and when we just enjoy being. It’s calmer and more relaxed. It’s good to have both and to understand that there is a time to be doing all the things and a time to rest and just enjoy life.
I hope you have found this week's blogs helpful and can see how just following the approach from The Secret ( your thoughts create your reality) really misses the bigger picture of what is going on.
If you would like more help and guidance in using the Moon and the Universal Laws to manifest your dream life and business, book a free chat with me using the button below.