Working With The Law of Attraction

In this week’s blog, I will be talking about how you can work with the Law of Attraction in your everyday life. As talked about in last week's blog, The 12 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction is just one of 12 Universal Laws and so I will mention some of the others as they relate to working with this one. 

The Law of Attraction is all about aligning your thoughts and actions with what you want to happen in your life. One of the great things about the universal Law of Attraction is that its tenets are not hard to put into practice at all!! The underlying principles of the Law of Attraction have been with us, ready to be practised, all this time. Ancient civilizations knew about and worked with, the 12 Universal Laws.

So why then have we abandoned these steps to success? Life happened and somehow, somewhere, people started believing that they do not deserve happiness. As such, people wake up afraid to expect the best and prepare for the worse. Do you see that this is still the Law of Attraction working? By THINKING that the worst will happen, people are bringing about problems for themselves. What you focus on grows, so if you focus on having problems and being stuck, then you will find more problems and remain stuck. So kick that bad habit right now!! Expect the best and the best will happen to you. 

Here are four ways you can work WITH the Law of Attraction and start thinking about and expecting the best.

Practice gratitude. There is no better way to start your day than with a kick of happiness. Try this Law of Attraction exercise: remember all the wonderful things you are (or ought to be) grateful for. You can always find something to be grateful for, even on the days when you don’t want to get out of bed. Be grateful for your bed, for your hot cup of coffee, for the sun shining. Even on a subconscious level, a lot of people live as if they are ‘victims’ in life, they lack personal responsibility and would prefer to blame everyone else for their circumstances. Avoid this trap by starting each day with thoughts of how great and beautiful your life is at the moment. This mental exercise will ‘set the stage’ for more beautiful things to come. And it will get easier every day.

Pay it forward. The universe is not all about you, the universal Law of Divine Oneness tells us this. And both the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Compensation state that your good deeds come back to you. Nothing can be more positively powerful than doing a good deed for someone else. This can be simple things such as helping direct someone who’s lost, or helping an elderly relative with their shopping can do wonders on two levels. First, you WILL feel good about yourself and if you’re happy, the universe will smile back at you in one form or another. Secondly, the person you assisted will think happy thoughts of you too, further attracting those positive vibes!!

Align your outer world with your inner world. Even if you think or say you’re ready for happiness and success, the way you live, dress and act is the true measure. Remember the Law of Correspondence states everything is reflected back to you in the repeating patterns of the universe. So synchronise your intentions and your actions. You know the phrase “fake it until you make it”? Well, this is similar. For example, if you want a better-paying job, don’t just wish for it, do something about it!! Update your CV, network with other people, change your wardrobe and dress for success!! You don’t have to fake it, just act like you already have it, mirroring your internal desire with your external actions. 

End the day with ‘happy thoughts’!! At the end of the day, think about what went well, what were the highlights of your day? And then think about a goal you have as though you have already achieved it. Picture your first day in that new job. A first date with someone you really connect with. Decoring a room in your dream home. Remember, what you focus on grows!!

The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful tools available to you. Make sure you are using it to your advantage because it is ALWAYS at work.

I hope you have found this week’s blog helpful. If you would like to know more about working with the Law of Attraction and the moon in your life, then book a free call using the button below. Let's get you clear on what you want and how to get it!!


Manifesting and Goal Setting


The 12 Universal Laws